
天灸治療 冬病夏治療效高

5th Jul, 2011





適應症 - 虛寒性病症,尤對多發性感冒症狀、鼻敏感、慢性支氣管炎、哮喘、體虛久咳、慢性胃腸病、風濕與類風濕性關節炎、強直性脊柱炎、四肢冰冷、寒濕痹痛、泄瀉、面色無華、身重疲倦、頸肩腰腿痛、胸腹痛 、食欲不振等有標本兼治的功效。

2011年三伏天日期為 (或):
初伏: 2011年 7月14日 (16日)
中伏: 2011年 7月23日 (24日)
未伏: 2011年 8月13日 (15日)
加強: 2011年 8月23日 (25日)


In summer, it will be better to cure the disease at winter. Today, we will introduce Tian Jiu Therapy to all of you, so you can have a different winter this year.

Tian Jiu Therapy background
Is a Traditional Chinese Medicine application. It is simple, safe and effective. It utilises a mixture of special herbs in form of a plaster which is apply externally on specific acu-points of the body. Each year during the hotest three days in the summer, i.e. dog days in folk calendar, Chinese medicine practitioners take advantage of nature’s yang qi to treat patients with moxibustion therapy. After differentiating symptoms, appropriate patients will be identified and externally applied with Chinese medicine on relevant acupuncture points to enhance positive/yang qi, disperse cold, strengthen yang, and dispel pathologic factors.
Tian Jiu Therapy effect is recommended to be carried out in 3 consecutive years. According to current medical research, it has marked improvement on the body immune system, thus reducing recurrance of allergic symptoms and common cold.

Tian Jiu Therapy effect
Is especially effective for asthenia cold conditions, such as recurrent cold symptoms, chronic bronchitis, asthma, physical weakness, chronic cough, stomach ache, chronic gastroenteritis, chronic diarrhea, allergic rhinitis, cold limbs, cold-damp pain, diarrhea, lusterless complexion, weariness and fatigue, headache, neck & shoulder pain, lumbago, chest pain, abdominal pain and loss of appetite etc. What will be treated are not only the symptoms but also the fundamental causes. The details of treatment and reservations are available by calling the clinic.

Tian Jiu Therapy date
Dog days of summer 2011 are (alternative date):
Beginning of dog days : July 14, 2011 (July 16)
Middle of dog days: July 23, 2011 (July 24)
End of dog days: August 13, 2011 (August 14)
Additional: August 23, 2100 (August 25)

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