Ocean Spa (銅鑼灣店)
商舖環境 |
Ocean Spa is founded in 2012 locating in the center of the city, the sophisticated place offering professional treatments with high quality services and products with high technological scientifically-proven and organic ingredients. Ocean Spa is characterized at professional of beauty industry providing diversified beauty and wellness services to customers.
Ocean Spa is a utopia with relaxation, harmony atmosphere. Customers enjoy the beauty, slimming, wellness, massages, and spa treatments in fascinating environment with all rounded facilities like sauna, bathroom and washroom. We provide customers with slippers, towels, caps, and one-use underwear and any necessary spa outfits.
Customers are the cornerstone of Ocean Spa. In order to maintain the sustainability and productivity of Ocean spa, we aim to provide our customers a distinctive beauty and wellness experience. We portray tempting and esteem for the customers through the professional treatments and outstanding services.
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