Thai Sublime
商舖環境 |
Thai Sublime
地區: | 灣仔 |
地址: | 灣仔莊士敦道25號長康大廈1樓B室 (分域街入口) |
營業時間: | 11:00AM - 11:00PM (Mon-Sat) ; 11:00AM - 10:00PM (Sun) |
消費: | |
付款方式: | Cash |
電話: | 3997 9699 / 6995 5452 (Whatsapp) |
備註: | 歡迎男女賓客 |
泰式古法按摩 45 分鐘 |
原價 $230.0 | $ 230.00 |
泰式古法按摩 60 分鐘 |
原價 $260.0 | $ 260.00 |
泰式古法按摩 90 分鐘 |
原價 $380.0 | $ 380.00 |
泰式古法按摩 120 分鐘 |
原價 $480.0 | $ 480.00 |
泰式香油按摩 45 分鐘 |
原價 $240.0 | $ 240.00 |
We are here to welcome and take care of you
Let us bring you to Thailand for few hours and forget your routine
We work with experimented therapist from Thailand which have work already for a minimum of 10 years already
We welcome you with smile, explain us your needs and we will do our best to fulfill it
We provide the best service to make you feel comfortable and relax
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