Zeta Clinic
商舖環境 |
Zeta Clinic
地區: | 銅鑼灣 |
地址: | 905B Sino Plaza, 255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay |
營業時間: | 11:00AM - 9:00PM (星期一至五);10:00AM - 7:00PM (星期六);星期日休息 |
商店推介: | Zeta Clinic has a number of locations in Shanghai and one location here in Hong Kong. One of the best Spa in world. |
消費: | |
付款方式: | Cash |
電話: | 2369 0007 |
ZETA Clinic is a brand new spa in Causeway Bay. You will be impressed by the elegance of the establishment and will be struck by the amazing view of the harbour from the reception area.
以上ZETA Clinic商店部份資料,感謝會員tears_carrie提供
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