Spa ph+ (中環店)
商舖環境 |
Spa ph+ (中環店)
地區: | 中環 |
地址: | 中環德輔道中39號永傑商業大廈8樓 (香港站C出口) |
營業時間: | 11:00AM–9:00PM (星期一至五); 11:00AM–7:00PM (星期六、日及公眾假期) |
商店推介: | Spa ph+ is one of the best spa shop in HK |
消費: | |
付款方式: | Cash |
電話: | 2810 0133 |
spa ph+是一所「星級美容水療精品店」,由millistrong international limited作為後盾,spa ph+擁有最齊備的資源為您提供最優質的護理服務。
由「philosophy treatment spa」演變而成的spa ph+將最新的元素 - HABA、32C及aujourd’hui - 融合一起,今天,spa ph+已座擁多個國際護膚品牌,為您提供最高質素的護理療程。
spa ph+ is one of the first-tiered “beauty boutique” in Hong Kong. Backed by millistrong international limited, spa ph+ owns the best resources to provide you with the best treatment services.
Evolved from the renowned “Philosophy treatment spa”, spa ph+ has integrated new elements – HABA, 32oC and Aujourd’hui”- into the whole. Now, spa ph+ is a multi-branding beauty boutique that offers the most premium services to allthe beauty.
以上Spa ph+部份資料,感謝會員tears_carrie提供
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