DIVAS 迪華思經絡養生館

DIVAS 迪華思經絡養生館 -


天后按摩 油麻地按摩
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DIVAS 迪華思經絡養生館
地區: 中環
地址: 中環擺花街8號16樓全層
營業時間: 11:00AM - 9:00PM(星期一至五) ; 10:30AM - 7:30PM (星期六及日)
商店推介: Maintain one’s proper biological functioning
消費: 鑽石
付款方式: Cash
電話: 2543 6833
Fax: 2543 6832

推介 OK 無意見
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Our meridian systems are innate.  The most important function of our meridian systems is to maintain one’s proper biological functioning.  If there is a problem with our meridian system, we will become ill.  As Chinese medicinal theory says, “When there is pain, the systems are blocked.  When the systems are not blocked, there is no pain.”  We will not fall ill if our meridian systems are properly maintained, allowing air and blood to circulate smoothly inside our bodies.  In fact, it can be said that our meridian systems are the foundations upon which our life rests.
It is apparent that our meridian systems are crucial aspects of our health and wellbeing.  Therefore, if we do not wish to fall ill, we should always facilitate the smooth functioning of our meridian system.  Similar to how a traffic jam on a highway blocks the movement of automobiles, a “jam” in our meridian system will block the healthy functioning of our bodies. On the contrary, if the traffic flows smoothly, the automobiles will travel efficiently.  The same is true for our meridian system.  We feel healthy if our system runs smoothly, but problems and illness arise if the system becomes blocked.

Therefore, in order to maintain our meridian system in its proper state, it is essential that we frequently release any blockages.  DIVAS’ meridian treatment systems are designed to painlessly release these blockages from your meridian system and help maintain optimal functioning within your body.

天后按摩 油麻地按摩



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